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Ieteke Witteveen

Ieteke ‘Inchi’ Witteveen, anthropologist, is director of IDA_ Sa, an Institute for Culture Resources management in Curaçao. From May 2001 till September 1st 2011 she was director of the National Archaeological- Anthropological Memory Management Foundation (NAAM) Netherlands Antilles in Curaçao and former president Museums Association of the Caribbean (MAC 2006-2008). She started her career in 1968 as social worker in a poor neighbourhood in Cali, Colombia. She was visiting researcher at the University for Cooperative Associations INDESCO in Bogotá, Colombia and worked for the magazine of NUFFIC, in The Hague. In 1983 Witteveen obtained her master’s degree in Cultural Anthropology, cum laude, at the University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

As president of the Foundation Culture and Development (Fundashon Kultura I Desaroyo) she published on the relevance informal sector for the local economy and about cultural, development and neighborhoods. She published in Papiamentu, Dutch , Spanish and English on topics as indigenous political organization in the Andes, on social movements and on musical heritage and identity in the Caribbean, the politics of cultural heritage and legislation.
Ieteke Witteveen