Gratis verzending

Scott W. Henggeler

Biographical Sketch

Scott W. Henggeler received his Ph.D. in clinical psychology from the University of Virginia in 1977. Currently, he is Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at the Medical University of South Carolina and Director of the Family Services Research Center (FSRC). The mission of the FSRC is to develop, validate, and study the dissemination of clinically effective and cost effective mental health and substance abuse services for children presenting serious clinical problems and their families. As such, FSRC projects have included numerous community-based randomized trials with challenging clinical populations (e.g., violent and chronic juvenile offenders, youths presenting psychiatric emergencies, substance abusing juvenile offenders, maltreating families), and dissemination studies for multisystemic therapy and other evidence-based treatments are being conducted in multiple states and nations. The FSRC has received the Annie E. Casey Families Count Award, GAINS Center National Achievement Award, and the Points of Light Foundation President\'s Award in recognition of excellence in community service directed at solving community problems. Dr. Henggeler has published more than 250 journal articles, book chapters, and books; is on the editorial boards of nine journals; is on the Board of the National Association of Drug Court Professionals; and has received grants from NIMH, NIDA, NIAAA, OJJDP, CSAT, the Anne E. Casey Foundation, and others.


Multisysteemtherapie (2023)

voor kinderen en jongeren met antisociaal gedrag
Scott W. Henggeler